This is one of those outfits in which I felt like I needed to text Britt before she saw me, to give her ample warning. “I may or may not be wearing a belly chain right now...” I told her. No response. TYPICAL.
“OH. MY. GAWD...where did you get that belly chain?!” she exclaimed/questioned upon seeing me.
“Dude, I made it,” I told her, “Is it like, way too much?” I asked, gesturing that I felt a bit over-exposed.
“NO WAY,” she quipped back, “Didn’t you see that Rihanna was recently running around town in a mesh tee with her nips out?” So remember ladies, if you’re ever asking yourself whether or not your ensemble is too racy, too sexy, nippes are now apparently now the addition to casual gold belly chains ;)
Buttery Soft Vintage suede blazer. Vintage skirt. Vintage boots. Foreign Exchange Crop Top.
Until Next Time.,